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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - Acts - Acts 15

Acts 15:1-40

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1Sibis mal re bidiy mo woal Judea resa budoh woal Antioch. Iwe ngo yesa chap yar foloyu ngalir chotugul kowe le re sor bo, “Towe yoh le hami habe daor le habe te hagil le be tappel molwe Hatobtob we yael Moses ye sor.”
2Paulus mo Barnabas resa hachocho ngalir rechokwe irel kofal molwe. Yela wol miril ngo resa hatugulu le Paulus mo Barnabas mo tot mal kowe yar woal Antioch, rebe bidah Jerusalem bo re bela tefael mo irer apostel kowe mo mal kawe yar irel kofal molwe.
3Eklesia we mele ye hafengarloh; irel yar loloh luwul Phoenicia mo Samaria ngo re kekangalur yarmat yar Gentiles sa weg ngal Deus; mele kaptal war ye harraeyiloh lal deper panger chotugul.
4Rela hola doh Jerusalem ngo Kristiano kowe mo apostel kowe mo mal kowe yar resa hammaler, iwe ngo ir resa kapta war ngalir, irel lepal mokwe resa foru fael yalol Deus.
5Tot chotugul kowe choluwar Pharisees kowe resa sudah ngo resa sor bo, “Gentiles kala ila rebe hagil ngo sibe kangalur bo rebe wol dabey Hatobtob we yael Moses.”
6Mal kowe yar mo apostel kowe resa ttey fengal bo rebe kapta kofael molwe.
7Wol miril yar rol kapta kofal molwe ngo yesa sudah Pedrus ngo yesa sor bo, “Re wol bisiy, ha faesul gola we sa ssulay yael Deus duwleyey mo luwulumi bo iy bela foloyu Hapatpat Momay le ngalir Gentiles bo rebe rongrong bo rebe chepar.
8Iwe ngo Deus we ye gola yar panger yarmat luluwal, ye hallehaloh yal dipli le Gentiles ka rebe chepar irel yal fang ngalir Espritu Santus, le ye wochog yal fang ngalgich.
9Yete faor gich le sibe diltangir; iwe ngo ye hachuya molfidir le fael mala re chepar.
10Ila ngo meda fal le la igla ngo hasa luluwaley le habe hagla Deus irel yami haweresi ngalir chotugul mekla gich mo chapdoh kowe yach ngo te mmal ngalgich?
11Ha ligdir! Gich siya chepar, ila siya daor irel haradiya we yael Samol Jesus. Ila be wol ila sengal ir.”
12Panger buwa we ngo re tay maliliy, resa taelenga yael Barnabas mo Paulus kangalur pangal kkemal kowe resa foru fael yalol Deus mo luwulur Gentiles.
13Yodwe rela mol irel yar hapatpat ngo sa maliliy James le ye sor bo, “Ha taelenga, re wol bisiy!
14Simon yesa hamdefa sangsengal yael Deus metamol kawraloh yal hafalir Gentiles, irel yal kak lol yarmat mo luwulur.
15Mokwe yalor profeta kowe ila, ye ppalu ngal mele. Ila molwe babior we ye santus we ye sor bo,
16‘Wol miril mele ngo ibe tefael, yael Samol sor, ngo ibe hatefali molwe lamliyel David. Ibe foru tefaeli pangal mekla ye towas, ngo ihakkela bo yebe kkel fael sew.
17Iwe ngo bele pangerloh yarmat ngo re bele tefael ngalyey. Panger Gentiles kowe isa fesangur bo rebe mel bo layi ngo rebe budoh.
18Ika meka yalol Samol le muswe chog ngo yesa kangalur yarmat bo rebe gola.’”
19James yesa taboloh yal hapatpat le ye sor bo, “Yai luluwal ila si towe haweresir Gentiles ka resa weg ngal Deus.
20Sibe far tefa sew babior sibe kangalur bo re towe ma mongoy, mongoka ye tungaf bo resa tap maligach ngal liyos kala rema mapel ngali, iwe ngo rebe hachuyar mo luwul maltemay. Iwe ngo re towe ma mongoy ccha hare mael ka ye mes le rete hacheloh cchal bo re fargu yual, hare re fingdi yual.
21Bo Hatobtob we yael Moses iwe sa ssulay yar ma yawliloh chog pangal Sabbath mo lal imwel ttey kowe, iwe ngo re foloyu mokwe yalol wol pangal haplom.”
22Iwe apostel kowe mo mal kowe yar mo pangerloh chol Eklesia we resa hatugulu bo rebe duwley fedmal mal mo luwulur bo rebe dabeloh Barnabas mo Paulus woal Antioch. Re duwler rumal mal le re ssor mo luwulur chotugul kowe le Judas we rema fesangu bo Barsabbas, iwe mo Silas,
23iwe ngo resa ngaler sew babior bo rebe hasi. Babior we ye sor bo, “Hamem apostel ka mo mal ka le hamem wol bismi, hasa fang yamem habong ngalugmi pangmi Gentiles kala ha mel wol Antioch, mo Syria, mo Cilicia.
24Hasa rongrong le sibis yarmat re buyoy iremi, le re chuy mo iremem resa buyoy, iwe resa hatarporpahmi irel mekla re sor; tor mele hamem ha kangalur bo rebe buyoy kangalugmi.
25Iwe hamem hasa ttey fengal ngo hasa hatugulu bo habe duwley fedmal hamem bo rebe hasi ngalugmi mele yalomem. Ir ila re bele dabewey Barnabas mo Paulus le wol maryarmem le re chang.
26Paulus mo Barnabas ila re tay hafaliloh yar ngas irel yengang ka yael Samol Jesus Kristus.
27Ila hamem hasa hafengawey Judas mo Silas bo rebe spegil kangalugmi pangal meka hasa tefadiy lal babior.
28Ye fel mo irel Espritu Santus, ngo yesa wol fel mo iremem hamem le ha towol haweresugmi le yebe kkel tangi hatobtob ka hami habe faesul dabey:
29ha towe mongoy, mongoka resa tap maligach ngal liyosol todep ka rema mepel ngalir; ha towe mongoy ccha; ha towe mongoy mael ka re mes le re fingdi uyer ngo rete hacheloh cchar; iwe ngo hasa hachuyahmi mo luwul maltemay. Habe rol fel igle ha yedamgel bo ha towe foru meka. Sa ila ngalugmi.”
30Resa loh mokwe re kekal yalor yee, rela budoh woal Antioch ngo resa hateyili fengalir chotugul kowe ngo resa ngaler babior we.
31Molwe yarmat rela yawli babior we ngo resa rraey irel hapatpat we ye hakkela lal deper.
32Judas mo Silas we rumal profeta ila ye ssulay yar hapatpat ngalir yarmat bo yebe kkel deper.
33Wol miril yael Judas mo Silas mel tot irer, ngo chotugul kowe resa habungur ngo resa halahor luwul hapos. Iwe Judas mo Silas resa tefael loh irer rechokwe re hafengardoh.
35Paulus mo Barnabas ye ssulay tot yar mel woal Antioch. Ir mo wol tot chotugul kowe ngo re fofoloyu ngalir yarmat mala yalol Samol.
36Yela ssulay loh tot mo wol miril ngo Paulus sa kangalu Barnabas bo, “Si bele tefael loh woal pangal haplom kowe si foloyu molwe yalol Samol mo iyang, bo si bela tefael mo irer mokwe wol bisich ngo si gula hare sa ifa sengal yar memel.”
37Barnabas ye dipli bo John Mark yebe daber,
38iwe ngo Paulus ye chichiy ngo ye tafel le yebe daber bo te mel ngalir yee, rela hammalo malekah we yar bo ye ligdir loh mo wol Pamphylia sa tefael.
39Iwe resa hachocho fengal le ye kkel, iwe resa mehal: Barnabas yesa hasi Mark resa terag resa loh Cyprus,
40iwe ngo Paulus sa duwley Silas resa loh ngo chotugul kowe resa memapelar ngal Samol bo yebe hafallir.

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