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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - 1st Kings - 1st Kings 17

1st Kings 17:16-19

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16And from that day the pot of meal failed not, and the vessel of oil was not abated, by the word of the Lord, which he had spoken in the hand of Elijah (or which he had spoken by Elijah).
17Forsooth it was done after these words, (that) the son of a woman housewife, was sick, and the sickness was full strong, so that breath dwelled not in him. (And it was done after these things, that the son of that woman housewife, was sick, and the sickness grew very strong, so that finally no breath remained in him.)
18Therefore she said to Elijah, What to me and to thee, thou man of God? Enteredest thou to me, that my wickedness should be remembered, and that thou shouldest slay my son?
19And Elijah said to her, Give thy son to me. And he took that son from her bosom, and bare into the solar, where he dwelled; and he put him on his bed. (And he took her son from her bosom, and carried him up to the solarium, where he stayed; and he put him on his bed.)

Read 1st Kings 171st Kings 17
Compare 1st Kings 17:16-191st Kings 17:16-19