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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Romans

Romans 15

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1But we firmer men owe to sustain or to bear up the feeblenesses of sick men, or unfirm in faith, and not to please to ourselves.
2Each of us please to his neigh-bour into good, to edification.
3For Christ pleased not to himself, but, as it is written, The reproofs, or shames, of men despising thee, felled on me.
4For whatever things be written, those be written to our teaching, that by patience and comfort of scriptures we have hope.
5But God of patience and of solace give to you to understand the same thing, each into other, after Jesus Christ,
6that ye of one will with one mouth worship God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7For which thing take ye together, as also Christ took you into the honour of God.
8For I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises of fathers.
9And heathen men owe to honour God for mercy; as it is written, Therefore, Lord, I shall acknowledge to thee among heathen men, and I shall sing to thy name.
10And again he saith, Ye heathen men, be ye glad or joy with his people.
11And again, All heathen men, praise ye the Lord; and all peoples, magnify ye him.
12And again Isaiah saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, that shall rise up to govern heathen men, and heathen men shall hope in him.
13And God of hope full-fill you in all joy and peace in believing, that ye increase or abound in hope and virtue of the Holy Ghost.
14And, brethren, I myself am certain of you, that also ye be full of love, and ye be full-filled with all knowing or all science, so that ye may admonish each other.
15And, brethren, more boldly I wrote to you a part, as bringing you into mind, for the grace that is given to me of God,
16that I be the minister of Christ Jesus among heathen men. And I hallow the gospel of God, that the offering of heathen men be accepted or be made acceptable, and hallowed in the Holy Ghost.
17Therefore I have glory in Christ Jesus to God.
18For I dare not speak anything of those things, which Christ doeth not by me, into obedience of heathen men, in word and deeds,

19in virtue of tokens and great wonders, in virtue of the Holy Ghost, so that from Jerusalem by compass to the Illyricum sea or till unto Illyricum, I have full-filled the gospel of Christ.
20And so I have preached this gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I build upon another’s ground,
21but as it is written, For to whom it is not told of him, they shall see, and they that heard not, shall understand.
22For which thing I was hindered full much to come to you, and I am hindered till to this time.
23And now I have not further place, or cause of longer dwelling, in these countries, but I have desire to come to you, of many years that now be passed.
24When I begin to pass into Spain, I hope that in my going I shall see you, and of you I shall be led thither, if I shall use you first in part.
25Therefore now I shall pass forth to Jerusalem, to minister to saints.
26For Macedonia and Achaia have assayed to make some gift, or some collection, or gathering of money, to poor men of saints, that be in Jerusalem.
27For it pleased to them, and they be debtors of them; for if heathen men be made partners of their ghostly things, they owe also in fleshly things to minister to them.
28Therefore when I have ended this thing, and have assigned to them this fruit, I shall pass by you into Spain.
29And I know, that I coming to you, shall come in the abundance, or plenty, of the blessing of Christ.
30Therefore, brethren, I beseech you by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that ye help me in your prayers for me to the Lord,
31that I be delivered from the unfaithful men, that be in Judea, and that the offering of my service be accepted in Jerusalem to saints;
32that I come to you in joy, by the will of God, and that I be refreshed with you.
33And God of peace be with you all. Amen.