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One Unity Resource Bible - Psalms [Praises] - Psalms [Praises] 132

Psalms [Praises] 132:7-11

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7“We will go into his dwelling place. We will hawa ·bow low, prostrate· to worship at his footstool.
8Arise, Adonai , into your resting place; you, and the ark of your strength.
9Let your priest be clothed with righteousness. Let your saints shout for joy!”
10For your servant David Beloved’s sake, don’t turn away the face of your anointed one.
11Adonai has sworn to David Beloved in truth. He will not turn from it: “I will set the fruit of your body on your throne.

Read Psalms [Praises] 132Psalms [Praises] 132
Compare Psalms [Praises] 132:7-11Psalms [Praises] 132:7-11