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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 94

Psalms 94:14-17

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14Yahweh will not abandon his people; he will not desert like that those who belong to him DOU.
15Some day judges will decide matters fairly for people, and all honest/righteous people will be pleased about that.
16But when wicked people ◄ oppressed me/treated me cruelly►, ◄who defended me?/no one defended me.► RHQ No one stood up to testify for me against those evil people RHQ.
17If Yahweh had not helped me at that time, I would have been executed, and my soul/spirit would have gone to the place where dead people say nothing.

Read Psalms 94Psalms 94
Compare Psalms 94:14-17Psalms 94:14-17