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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:35-45

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35Once I swore in mine holiness, I shall not lie to David;
36his seed shall dwell without end. And his throne as the sun in my sight,
37and as a perfect moon without end; and a faithful witness in heaven.
38But thou hast put away, and despised; and hast delayed thy christ.
39Thou hast turned away the testa-ment of thy servant; thou madest unholy his saintuary in earth.
40Thou destroyedest all the hedges thereof; thou hast set the steadfastness thereof into dread.
41All men passing by the way ravished him; he is made a shame to his neighbours.
42Thou hast enhanced the right hand of men oppressing him; thou hast gladdened all his enemies.
43Thou hast turned away the help of his sword; and thou helpedest not him in battle.
44Thou destroyedest him from cleansing; and thou hast hurled down his seat in the earth.
45Thou hast made less the days of his time; thou hast beshed him with shame.

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Compare Psalms 89:35-45Psalms 89:35-45