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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 89

Psalms 89:3-52

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3“I have made with my chosen a covenant, and sworn to David my servant,
4to establish his seed forever, and to build up his throne to all ages.” Selah
5Then the holy assembly in heaven praised your marvellous faithfulness, Lord.
6For who in the skies may compare with the Lord? Who is like the Lord amongst the gods?
7A God to be feared in the holy assembly, awful and great above all who are round him.
8O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you? Your strength and faithfulness, Lord, surround you.
9You are the Lord of the raging sea: when its waves surge, it is you who still them.
10It was you who did pierce and crush Rahab in pieces, and scatter your foes by your mighty arm.
11Yours are the heavens, yours also the earth, the world and its fulness, it's you who did found them.
12The north and the south, it's you have created them; Tabor and Hermon shout praise to your name.
13You have an arm with the might of a hero; strong is your hand, high uplifted your right hand.
14Justice and right are the base of your throne, kindness and faithfulness ever attend you.
15Happy the people who know the glad shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face.
16They exult in your name all the day, and your righteousness they extol.
17For you are our strength and our pride. Your favour will lift us to honour.
18For the holy Lord of Israel keeps our defender and king.
19In a vision of old you did speak in this way to the one whom you loved: “A crown I have set on the hero I chose to be over the people
20“I found my servant David, and anointed with holy oil.
21My hand will be with him forever, my arm will give him strength.
22“No enemy will dare to assail him, nor the wicked to oppress him;
23but his foes I will shatter before him, I will strike down those who hate him.
24“My loyal love shall attend him, and I will lift him to honour.
25I will set his hand on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers.
26“As for him, he will call me ‘My father, my God, and my rock of salvation.’
27And I will make him my first-born, highest of kings on the earth.
28“My love will I keep for him ever, my covenant with him shall stand fast.
29His line will I make everlasting, and his throne as the days of the heavens.
30“If his children forsake my law, and walk not as I have ordained;
31if they profane my statutes, and do not keep my commandments;
32“I will punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with scourges.
33But my love will I not take from him, nor will I belie my faithfulness.
34“I will not profane my covenant by changing the word that has passed my lips.
35Once have I solemnly sworn and I would not lie to David,
36“that his line should endure forever, and his throne as the sun before me,
37firm as the moon which for ever and ever is fixed in the sky.” Selah
38But you have cast off in contempt, and been furious with your anointed.
39You have spurned the covenant with your servant, and his sacred crown dashed to the ground.
40You have broken down all his walls, and laid his bulwarks in ruins.
41All who pass on their way despoil him, the scorn of his neighbours is he now.
42You have given his foes the victory, and made all his enemies glad.
43You have turned back his sword from the foe, you did not lift him up in the battle.
44The sceptre you took from his hand, and his throne you did hurl to the ground.
45You have shortened the days of his youth, and covered him with shame. Selah
46How long, Lord will you hide you forever? How long are the fires of your wrath to burn?
47Remember, Lord, the shortness of life how fleeting you made all people.
48Who can live without seeing death? Who can rescue their life from the clutch of Sheol? Selah
49Where, Lord, is your kindness of old, which you in your faithfulness swore to David?
50Remember, O Lord, how your servants are mocked, how I bear in my heart the scorn of all nations
51The scorn which your enemies hurl, O Lord, which they hurl at the footsteps of your anointed.
52Blest be the Lord, for ever and ever. Amen and Amen.

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