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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 88

Psalms 88:4-15

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4I'm counted among the dying; a man with no strength.
5I am abandoned among the dead, lying like a corpse in the grave, forgotten and beyond your care.
6You have placed me in a deep pit, in the depths of darkness.
7Your hostility crushes me; you are drowning me under your crashing waves. Selah.
8You have made my friends avoid me by making me look repulsive to them. I'm trapped, I can't go out.
9I've cried my eyes out begging you every day for your help, Lord, holding out my hands to you.
10Do you do miracles among the dead? Do the dead stand up to praise you? Selah.
11Your faithful love—is it mentioned in the grave? Your trustworthiness—is it discussed in the place of destruction?
12Are the wonderful things you do known in the darkness? Is your goodness known in the land of forgetfulness?
13But I cry out to you for help; every morning I pray to you.
14Lord, why do you reject me? Why do you turn away from me?
15I have been sick since I was young, often at death's door. I have had to bear the terrible things you've done to me. I'm in despair!

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