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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 69

Psalms 69:8-15

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8I became to my kindred a foreigner, to my mother's sons a stranger.
9It was zeal for your house that consumed me, and the insults they hurled at you fell upon me.
10When I chastened myself with fasting, they took occasion to taunt me.
11When I put on a garment of sackcloth, they made me the theme of a taunt-song.
12Those who sit in the gate make sport of me in the music of drunken songs.
13But I pray to you, Lord, for a time of favor. In your great love answer me; with your loyal help, save me
14from sinking down in the mire. Lift me out of the deep deep waters,
15that the rushing flood may not drown me, that the deep may not swallow me up, nor the pit close her mouth upon me.

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