18Draw near to me, redeem me; because of my enemies, ransom me.
19You know how I am insulted; in your sight are all my foes.
20Insult has broken my heart, past cure are my shame and confusion. For pity I looked — there was none! And for comforters, but I found none.
21Poison they gave me for food, and to slake my thirst they gave vinegar.
22May their table, outspread, be a trap to them, and their peace-offerings be a snare.
23May their eyes be darkened and blind, make them shake without ceasing.
24Pour your indignation upon them, let your burning wrath overtake them.
25May their camp be a desolation, in their tents be there none to live.
26For those whom you struck, they persecute, and those whom you wounded, they pain yet more.
27Charge them with sin upon sin, may they not be acquitted by you.
28From the book of life be they blotted, may their names not be written with the righteous.