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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 55

Psalms 55:3-12

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3For my enemies are screaming at me; the wicked are intimidating me. They rain down suffering on me, angrily assaulting me in their hatred.
4My heart thumps in agony! Terrified, I feel I'm about to die!
5I'm in a panic, trembling with fear; feelings of horror wash over me.
6I tell myself, If only God would give me wings like a dove so I could fly away and be at peace!
7I would fly far away to escape, and stay in the wilderness. Selah.
8I would hurry to a place to hide, out of the wind, safe from the raging storm.
9Confuse them, Lord! Muddle what they're saying, for I see violence and conflict in the city.
10They patrol the city walls day and night, and wickedness and trouble are within the city.
11The ones causing destruction are inside the city; frauds and cheats are always on the streets.
12The problem is that it's not an enemy who mocks me—I could stand that. It's not someone who hates me who insults me—I could avoid them.

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