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Bible in Basic English - Psalms - Psalms 55

Psalms 55:1-17

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1To the chief music-maker, on Neginoth. Maschil. Of David. Give hearing to my prayer, O God; and let not your ear be shut against my request.
2Give thought to me, and let my prayer be answered: I have been made low in sorrow;
3I am troubled because of the voice of the cruel ones, because of the loud cry of the evil-doers; for they put a weight of evil on me, and they are cruel in their hate for me.
4My heart is deeply wounded, and the fear of death has come on me.
5Fear and shaking have come over me, with deep fear I am covered.
6And I said, If only I had wings like a dove! for then I would go in flight from here and be at rest.
7I would go wandering far away, living in the waste land. (Selah.)
8I would quickly take cover from the driving storm and from the violent wind.
9Send destruction on them, O Lord, make a division of tongues among them: for I have seen fighting and violent acts in the town.
10By day and night they go round the town, on the walls; trouble and sorrow are in the heart of it.
11Evil is there; cruel rule and deceit are ever in the streets.
12For it was not my hater who said evil of me; that would have been no grief to me; it was not one outside the number of my friends who made himself strong against me, or I would have kept myself from him in a secret place;
13But it was you, my equal, my guide, my well-loved friend.
14We had loving talk together, and went to the house of God in company.
15Let the hand of death come on them suddenly, and let them go down living into the underworld; because evil is in their houses and in their hearts.
16As for me, I will make my prayer to God, and he will be my saviour.
17In the evening and in the morning and in the middle of the day I will make my prayer with sounds of grief; and my voice will come to his ears.

Read Psalms 55Psalms 55
Compare Psalms 55:1-17Psalms 55:1-17