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LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012 - Psalms - Psalms 37

Psalms 37:9-17

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9But all my desire is before you; and my groaning is not hidden from you.
10My heart is troubled, my strength has failed me; and the light of my eyes is not with me.
11My friends and my neighbours drew near before me, and stood still; and my nearest of kin stood afar off.
12While they pressed hard upon me that sought my soul: and they that sought my hurt spoke vanities, and devised deceits all the day.
13But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and was as a dumb man not opening his mouth.
14And I was as a man that hears not, and who has no reproofs in his mouth.
15For I hoped in you, O Lord: you will hear, O Lord my God.
16For I said, Lest my enemies rejoice against me: for when my feet were moved, they spoke boastingly against me.
17For I am ready for plagues, and my grief is continually before me.

Read Psalms 37Psalms 37
Compare Psalms 37:9-17Psalms 37:9-17