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George Noyes Bible - Psalms - Psalms 35

Psalms 35:2-14

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2Take hold of shield and buckler, And stand up for my help!
3Draw forth the spear and the axe against my persecutors; Say to me, “I am thy salvation.”
4May they be confounded and put to shame, who seek my life; May they be turned back with disgrace, who devise my hurt!
5May they be like dust before the wind; May the angel of the LORD drive them!
6May their way be dark and slippery, And may the angel of the LORD pursue them!
7For without cause they have laid for me a snare; Without cause they have digged for me a pit.
8May unforeseen destruction come upon them! May the snare which they have laid lay hold on themselves, And may they fall into destruction!
9Then shall my soul rejoice in the LORD; It shall exult in his protection.
10All my bones shall say, Who, O LORD! is like thee, Who dost rescue the afflicted from the oppressor, The afflicted and destitute from the spoiler?
11False witnesses have risen up; They charge me with that which has not entered my mind.
12They repay me evil for good; They cause bereavement to my soul.
13And yet I, during their sickness, clothed myself with sackcloth, And afflicted myself with fasting; And my prayer was turned to my bosom.
14I behaved myself as if he had been my friend or brother; I bowed down in sadness, as one mourning for his mother.

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