16Worthless people ridicule me and snarl at me.
17Yahweh, how long will you only watch them doing this? Rescue me from their attacking me; Save me from being killed by these men who are attacking me like MET lions that are attacking other animals
18Then, when many of your people gather, I will praise you and I will thank you in front of all of them.
19Do not allow my enemies, who tell lies about me, defeat me and then rejoice! Do not allow those who hate me when there in no reason to hate me to ◄smirk/smile happily►!
20They do not talk peacefully to people; instead, they seek ways to tell lies about people who are peaceful.
21They shout at me, to accuse me, saying, “We saw the wrong things that you did!”
22Yahweh, you have seen these things, so do not be silent! Do not stay far from me!
23Arise, my God, and plead my case in court, and successfully defend me!