11Violent witnesses rise, and ask of me things that I know not.
12Evil for good they requite me, leaving me inwardly comfortless.
13But when they were sick, I put on sackcloth, and chastened myself with fasting. I prayed with head bowed low,
14as if for my friend or my brother. I went about bowed and in mourning, as one who laments his mother.
15When I stumbled, they gleefully gathered, strangers gathered around me, and tore at me without ceasing,
16impiously mocking and mocking, bearing their teeth at me.
17How long, Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their roaring, my precious life from the lions.
18I will then give you thanks in the great congregation, and praise you before many people.
19Suffer not those to rejoice over me who are falsely my foes, suffer not those who without cause abhor me to wink with the eye.
20For it is not peace that they speak of those who are quiet in the land; but treacherous charges they plot.
21With wide open mouths they shout, “Hurrah! Hurrah! With our own eyes we saw it.”