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Updated Brenton English Septuagint - Psalms - Psalms 33

Psalms 33:6-20

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6Draw near to him, and be enlightened: And your faces shall not by any means be ashamed.
7This poor man cried, and the Lord hearkened to him, And delivered him out of all his afflictions.
8The angel of the Lord will encamp round about them that fear him, and will deliver them.
9Taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the man who hopes in him.
10Fear the Lord, all ye his saints: For there is no want to them that fear him.
11The rich have become poor and hungry: But they that seek the Lord diligently shall not want any good thing. Pause.
12Come, ye children, hear me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
13What man is there that desires life, Loving to see good days?
14Keep thy tongue from evil, And thy lips from speaking guile.
15Turn away from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it.
16The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, And his ears are open to their prayer:
17But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, To destroy their memorial from the earth. The righteous cried, and the Lord hearkened to them,
18And delivered them out of all their afflictions.
19The Lord is near to them that are of a contrite heart; And will save the lowly in spirit.
20Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But out of them all the Lord will deliver them.

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