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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 25

Psalms 25:7-19

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7Do not remember the sins of my youth; remember me in kindness, because of your goodness, Lord.
8Good is the Lord and upright, so he teaches sinners the way.
9The humble he guides in the right, he teaches the humble his way.
10All his ways are loving and loyal to those who observe his charges and covenant.
11Be true to your name Lord, forgive my many sins.
12Who then is the person who fears the Lord? He will teach them the way to choose.
13They will live in prosperity, their children will inherit the land.
14The Lord gives guidance to those who fear him, and with his covenant he makes them acquainted.
15My eyes are ever towards the Lord, for out of the net he brings my foot.
16Turn to me with your favour, for I am lonely and crushed
17In my heart are strain and storm; bring me out of my distresses.
18Look on my misery and trouble, and pardon all my sins,
19look on my foes oh, so many! And their cruel hatred towards me.

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