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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 22

Psalms 22:4-18

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4In you our ancestors trusted, they trusted and you delivered them.
5They cried to you, and found safety, in you did they trust and were not put to shame.
6But I am a worm, not a person; insulted by others, despised by the people.
7All who see me mock me, with mouths wide open and wagging heads:
8“He relies on the Lord; let him save him. Let him rescue the one he holds dear!”
9But you drew me from the womb, laid me safely on my mother's breasts.
10On your care was I cast from my very birth, you are my God from my mother's womb.
11Be not far from me, for trouble is nigh, and there is none to help.
12I am circled by many bulls, beset by the mighty of Bashan,
13who face me with gaping jaws, like ravening roaring lions.
14Poured out am I like water, and all my bones are loosened. My heart is become like wax, melted within me.
15My palate is dry as a sherd, my tongue sticks to my jaws; in the dust of death you lay me.
16For dogs are round about me, a band of knaves encircles me, gnawing my hands and my feet.
17I can count my bones, every one. As for them, they feast their eyes on me.
18They divide my garments amongst them, and over my raiment cast lots.

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