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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 19

Psalms 19:3-9

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3without speaking, without words; without the sound of voices.
4But through all the world their voice carries their words to the ends of the earth. He has pitched a tent for the sun in the sky,
5it comes out like a bridegroom from his bridal chamber, it joyfully runs its course like a hero.
6From one end of the heavens it rises, and around it runs to the other, and nothing hides from its heat.
7The law of the Lord is perfect, renewing life. The decrees of the Lord are trusty, making the simple wise.
8The behests of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The command of the Lord is pure, giving light to the eyes.
9The fear of the Lord is clean, it endures forever. The Lord's judgments are true and right altogether.

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