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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 18

Psalms 18:10-17

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10He flew, riding on the back of a creature that had wings, traveling fast, blown along by the wind.
11Darkness was all around him like a blanket MET; dark clouds, full of moisture, covered him MET.
12Hailstones and flashes of lightning were around him; hail and burning coals fell from the sky.
13Then Yahweh spoke in a loud voice from the sky, and his enemies heard his voice that sounded like thunder.
14He shot his arrows at them and caused them to scatter; His flashes of lightning caused them to become very confused (OR, to run away).
15The bottom of the ocean became visible, and the foundations of the earth were uncovered, when Yahweh rebuked his enemies when he snorted.
16It was as though he reached down from heaven and grabbed me and pulled me up out of the deep ocean.
17He rescued me from my strong enemies who hated me; they were very strong, with the result that I could not defeat them.

Read Psalms 18Psalms 18
Compare Psalms 18:10-17Psalms 18:10-17