6Men will be talking of the power and fear of your acts; I will give word of your glory.
7Their sayings will be full of the memory of all your mercy, and they will make songs of your righteousness.
8The Lord is full of grace and pity; not quickly angry, but great in mercy.
9The Lord is good to all men; and his mercies are over all his works.
10All the works of your hands give praise to you, O Lord; and your saints give you blessing.
11Their words will be of the glory of your kingdom, and their talk of your strength;
12So that the sons of men may have knowledge of his acts of power, and of the great glory of his kingdom.
13Your kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and your rule is through all generations.
14The Lord is the support of all who are crushed, and the lifter up of all who are bent down.
15The eyes of all men are waiting for you; and you give them their food in its time.
16By the opening of your hand, every living thing has its desire in full measure.