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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 141

Psalms 141:2-5

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2Accept my prayer as though it were incense being burned as an offering SIM to you. And accept me while I lift up my hands to pray to you like you accept sacrifices that I offer to you each evening SIM.
3Yahweh, do not allow me to say MTY things that are wrong; guard my lips.
4Prevent me from wanting to do anything that is wrong, and from joining with wicked men when they want to do evil deeds DOU. Do not even allow me to share in eating delightful food with them!
5It is all right if righteous people strike/hit me or rebuke me because they are trying to act kindly toward me to teach me to do what is right, but I do not want wicked people to honor me by anointing my head with olive oil; I am always praying that you will punish them because of the wicked deeds that they do.

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