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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 139

Psalms 139:12-18

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12The dark is not dark for you, but night is as light as the day.
13For you did put me together; in my mother's womb you did weave me.
14I give you praise for my fashioning so full of awe, so wonderful. Your works are wonderful. You knew me right well;
15my bones were not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and woven in the depths of the earth.
16Your eyes saw all my days: they stood on your book every one written down, before they were fashioned, while none of them yet was mine.
17But how far, O God, beyond measure are your thoughts! How mighty their sum!
18Should I count, they are more than the sand. When I wake, I am still with you.

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