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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 139

Psalms 139:10-17

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10even there your hand would lead me, your right hand would support me.
11If I asked the darkness to hide me, and light to become night around me,
12Even darkness would not be dark for you, and the night would be bright as day, for darkness is like light to you.
13You made me from the inside out, shaping me in my mother's womb.
14I praise you for making me in such an awesome and wonderful way. What you do is incredible—I realize this completely!
15My growing body was not hidden from you as I was formed in secret, as I was intricately put together “in the depths of the earth.”
16You saw me as an embryo, and in your book all my days were written down—the days that were made for me before any of them existed.
17God, your thoughts are so valuable to me! Taken together, they can't be counted!

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