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Young's Literal Translation - Psalms - Psalms 139

Psalms 139:10-16

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10Also there Thy hand doth lead me, And Thy right hand doth hold me.
11And I say, 'Surely darkness bruiseth me, Then night is light to me.
12Also darkness hideth not from Thee, And night as day shineth, as is darkness so is light.
13For Thou — Thou hast possessed my reins, Thou dost cover me in my mother's belly.
14I confess Thee, because that with wonders I have been distinguished. Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul is knowing it well.
15My substance was not hid from Thee, When I was made in secret, Curiously wrought in the lower part of earth.
16Mine unformed substance Thine eyes saw, And on Thy book all of them are written, The days they were formed — And not one among them.

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