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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 135

Psalms 135:15-20

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15The simulacra of heathen men be silver and gold; the works of the hands of men. (The idols of the heathenbe but silver and gold; yea, the works of men’s hands.)
16Those images have a mouth, and shall not speak; those have eyes, and shall not see. (Those idols have mouths, but they cannot speak; they have eyes, but they cannot see.)
17Those have ears, and shall not hear; for there is no spirit in the mouth of them. (They have ears, but they cannot hear; for there is no breath in their mouths.)
18They that make those things, be made like them; and all that trust in them. (Let they who make those things, be made like them; and all who trust in them as well.)
19The house of Israel, bless ye the Lord; the house of Aaron, bless ye the Lord.
20The house of Levi, bless ye the Lord; ye that dread the Lord, bless ye the Lord, (or ye who fear the Lord, or ye who revere the Lord, bless ye the Lord).

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Compare Psalms 135:15-20Psalms 135:15-20