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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:87-102

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87They had nearly made an end of me, yet I did not forget your precepts.
88Spare me in your kindness, and I will observe the charge of your mouth.
89Forever, O Lord, is your word fixed firmly in the heavens.
90Your truth endures age after age; it is established on earth, and it stands.
91By your appointment they stand this day, for all are your servants.
92Had not your law been my joy, in my misery then had I perished.
93I will never forget your precepts, for through them you have put life in me.
94I am yours, O save me, for I give my mind to your precepts.
95The wicked lay wait to destroy me, but I give heed to your charge.
96I have seen a limit to all things: but your commandment is spacious exceedingly.
97O how I love your law! All the day long I muse on it.
98Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies: for it is mine forever.
99I am prudent above all my teachers, for your charges are my meditation.
100I have insight more than the aged, because I observe your precepts.
101I refrain my foot from all wicked ways, that I may keep your word.
102I turn not aside from your judgements, for you yourself are my teacher.

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