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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:82-90

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82My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to do what you promised/said that you would do, and I ask, “When will you help/encourage me?”
83I have become as useless as MET a wineskin that is shriveled from hanging a long time in the smoke inside a house, but I have not forgotten ◄your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do►.
84How long must I wait? When will you punish those who ◄persecute/cause trouble for► me?
85It is as though proud people have dug deep pits for me to fall into, people who do not obey your laws.
86All ◄your commands are/what you have commanded is► trustworthy; but people are ◄persecuting/causing trouble for► me by telling lies about me, so please help me!
87Those people have almost killed me, but I have not stopped obeying ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►.
88Because you faithfully love me, allow me to continue to live in order that I may continue to obey ◄your rules/what you have instructed us to do►.
89Yahweh, your words will last forever; they will last as long as heaven lasts.
90You will faithfully continue doing ◄ for people who are not yet born/in every generation► what you have ◄promised/said that you would do►; you have put the earth in its place, and it remains firmly there.

Read Psalms 119Psalms 119
Compare Psalms 119:82-90Psalms 119:82-90