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Bible in Basic English - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:73-125

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73JOD Your hands have made me, and given me form: give me wisdom, so that I may have knowledge of your teaching.
74Your worshippers will see me and be glad; because my hope has been in your word.
75I have seen, O Lord, that your decisions are right, and that in unchanging faith you have sent trouble on me.
76Let your mercy now be my comfort, as you have said to your servant.
77Let your gentle mercies come to me, so that I may have life; for your law is my delight.
78Let the men of pride be shamed; because they have falsely given decision against me; but I will give thought to your orders.
79Let your worshippers be turned to me, and those who have knowledge of your words.
80Let all my heart be given to your orders, so that I may not be put to shame.
81CAPH My soul is wasted with desire for your salvation: but I have hope in your word.
82My eyes are full of weariness with searching for your word, saying, When will you give me comfort?
83For I have become like a wine-skin black with smoke; but I still keep the memory of your rules.
84How short is the life of your servant! when will you give your decision against those who are attacking me?
85The men of pride, who are turned away from your law, have put nets for me.
86All your teachings are certain; they go after me with evil design; give me your help.
87They had almost put an end to me on earth; but I did not give up your orders.
88Give me life in your mercy; so that I may be ruled by the unchanging word of your mouth.
89LAMED For ever, O Lord, your word is fixed in heaven.
90Your faith is unchanging from generation to generation: you have put the earth in its place, and it is not moved.
91They are ruled this day by your decisions; for all things are your servants.
92If your law had not been my delight, my troubles would have put an end to me.
93I will ever keep your orders in mind; for in them I have life.
94I am yours, O be my saviour; for my desire has been for your rules.
95The sinners have been waiting for me to give me up to destruction; but I will give all my mind to your unchanging ward.
96I have seen that nothing on earth is complete; but your teaching is very wide.
97MEM O what love I have for your law! I give thought to it all the day.
98Your teaching has made me wiser than my haters: for it is mine for ever.
99I have more knowledge than all my teachers, because I give thought to your unchanging word.
100I have more wisdom than the old, because I have kept your orders.
101I have kept back my feet from all evil ways, so that I might be true to your word.
102My heart has not been turned away from your decisions; for you have been my teacher.
103How sweet are your sayings to my taste! truly, they are sweeter than honey in my mouth!
104Through your orders I get wisdom; for this reason I am a hater of every false way.
105NUN Your word is a light for my feet, ever shining on my way.
106I have made an oath and kept it, to be guided by your upright decisions.
107I am greatly troubled, O Lord, give me life in keeping with your word.
108Take, O Lord, the free offerings of my mouth, and give me knowledge of your decisions.
109My soul is ever in danger; but I still keep the memory of your law.
110Sinners have put a net to take me; but I was true to your orders.
111I have taken your unchanging word as an eternal heritage; for it is the joy of my heart.
112My heart is ever ready to keep your rules, even to the end.
113SAMECH I am a hater of men of doubting mind; but I am a lover of your law.
114You are my secret place and my breastplate against danger; my hope is in your word.
115Go far from me, you evil-doers; so that I may keep the teachings of my God.
116Be my support as you have said, and give me life; let not my hope be turned to shame.
117Let me not be moved, and I will be safe, and ever take delight in your rules.
118You have overcome all those who are wandering from your rules; for all their thoughts are false.
119All the sinners of the earth are like waste metal in your eyes; and for this cause I give my love to your unchanging word.
120My flesh is moved for fear of you; I give honour to your decisions.
121AIN I have done what is good and right: you will not give me into the hands of those who are working against me.
122Take your servant's interests into your keeping; let me not be crushed by the men of pride.
123My eyes are wasted with desire for your salvation, and for the word of your righteousness.
124Be good to your servant in your mercy, and give me teaching in your rules.
125I am your servant; give me wisdom, so that I may have knowledge of your unchanging word.

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