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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:52-114

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52I think about the instructions you gave long ago, Lord, and they reassure me.
53I am angry with the wicked because they have rejected your law.
54Your instructions have been music to my ears wherever I have lived.
55At night I think about the kind of person you are, Lord, and do what you say.
56For this is how I live my life—by following your principles.
57Heth Lord, you are mine! I have promised to do as you say.
58My whole being wants your blessing—please be kind to me, as you have promised!
59As I think about my life, I turn to follow what you have said.
60I hurry to keep your commandments without delay
61Even though wicked people try to tie me up, I won't forget your instructions.
62I get up in the middle of the night to thank you for your good laws.
63I identify with all those who follow you, those who do what you tell them.
64Lord, you love everyone on earth; please teach me what to do.
65Teth Lord, you have been so good to me, your servant, as you have promised.
66Now teach me wise judgment and discernment because I believe in your instructions.
67Previously I was suffering, wandering away from you, but now I do what you say.
68Since you are good, everything you do is good. Teach me your ways.
69Arrogant people smear my reputation with lies; but I whole-heartedly follow your commands.
70They are cold and unfeeling, but I love your law.
71The suffering I went through was good for me, so I could think about what you have stipulated.
72What you tell me to do is worth more to me than much gold and silver.
73Yodh You created me and made me what I am; help me to learn and better understand your commandments.
74May those who worship you be happy when they see me, for I place my confidence in your word.
75Lord, I know that what you decide is right; you brought me down in order to help me because you are trustworthy.
76May your trustworthy love comfort me as your promised me, your servant.
77Be compassionate to me so I may live, for I love your teachings.
78Bring down those proud people who wronged me with their lies. I will spend time thinking about your instructions.
79Let those who follow you turn to me, those who understand your laws.
80May I be innocent in the way I keep your rules so that I won't be ashamed.
81Kaph I'm exhausted waiting for you to save me, but my hope is in your word.
82I strain my eyes looking for you to keep your promises, asking “When will you comfort me?”
83I've become like a wineskin that's been shriveled up by smoke, but I have not forgotten to do as you say.
84How long do I have to wait before you punish my persecutors?
85These arrogant people have dug pits to trap me, these people who don't care anything about your law.
86All your commands are trustworthy. Help me against these people who persecute me with their lies!
87They have almost killed me, but I have not given up on what you say.
88Since you love me with your trustworthy love, don't let me die, so I can go on following the instructions you have given.
89Lamedh Your word, Lord, lasts forever. It stands firm in the heavens.
90Your faithfulness lasts for all generations, as permanent as the earth you created.
91Your judgments stand—they are as true today as ever—for everything serves your will.
92If I didn't love your teachings, my suffering would have killed me.
93I will never forget your instructions, for through them you give me life.
94I belong to you, so please save me! I am committed to following your rules.
95Even though wicked people are waiting to ambush and kill me, I will focus my mind on what you say.
96I recognize that human perfection has its limits, but your law is limitless.
97Mem I really love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
98Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for I'm always thinking about your instructions.
99In fact I have a better insight than all of my teachers because I spend time concentrating on what you say.
100I even understand more than the elders because I follow your directions.
101I avoid any course of action that leads to evil, because I want to remain faithful to your word.
102I have not disregarded your instructions because you yourself taught me what to do.
103Your words taste so sweet to me! They are sweeter than honey to my mouth.
104I gain understanding from what you say, so I hate any way of life that's just a lie.
105Nun Your word is a lamp that shows me where to walk, it's a light for my path.
106I've made a promise, and I will keep it: I will keep your rules that are always right!
107Lord, I'm really suffering! Please let me live, as you have promised.
108Lord, please accept my offerings of praise that I freely give you. Teach me your rules.
109My life is always at risk, but I will not forget your law.
110Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I will not stray from your commandments.
111I will always hold on to what you say for your words make me really happy,
112I have made up my mind to follow your instructions to the very end.
113Samekh I hate people who are two-faced, but I love your law.
114You keep me safe and you defend me, your word gives me reason to hope.

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Compare Psalms 119:52-114Psalms 119:52-114