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Free Bible Version - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:37-47

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37Don't let me focus on things that are worthless. Help me live in your ways.
38Please keep your promise to me, your servant, that you made to those who worship you.
39Take away the shame I dread, for your law is good.
40I always want to do what you say. Please let me live, for you do what is right.
41Waw Lord, please love me with your trustworthy love; please give me the salvation you promised.
42Then I can reply to those who mock me, for I trust what you say.
43Don't ever prevent me from being able to speak your words of truth, for I place my complete confidence in your just judgments.
44I will continue to follow your teachings, forever and ever.
45I shall live in freedom, for I have committed myself to obeying you.
46I will instruct kings about your laws—I won't be embarrassed.
47I'm so happy for your instructions. I love them!

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Compare Psalms 119:37-47Psalms 119:37-47