157Many people are my enemies and many people ◄cause me to suffer/persecute me►, but I ◄do not turn aside from/have not stopped obeying► LIT ◄your requirements/what you have instructed us to do►.
158When I look at those who are not faithful to you, I am disgusted because they do not obey ◄your requirements/what you have instructed us to do►.
159Yahweh, notice that I love ◄your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do►; because you faithfully love me, allow me to continue to live.
160All that you have said is truth, and all ◄your regulations/the rules that you have given to us► will endure forever.
161Rulers persecute me for no reason, but in my inner being I revere ◄your words/what you have said►.
162I am happy about ◄your words/what you have promised to do for me►, as happy as someone who has found a great treasure.
163I thoroughly hate DOU all lies but I love your laws.