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Bible in Basic English - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:127-138

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127For this reason I have greater love far your teachings than for gold, even for shining gold.
128Because of it I keep straight in all things by your orders; and I am a hater of every false way.
129PE Your unchanging word is full of wonder; for this reason my soul keeps it.
130The opening of your words gives light; it gives good sense to the simple.
131My mouth was open wide, waiting with great desire for your teachings.
132Let your eyes be turned to me, and have mercy on me, as it is right for you to do to those who are lovers of your name.
133Let my steps be guided by your word; and let not sin have control over me.
134Make me free from the cruel rule of man; then I will keep your orders.
135Let your servant see the shining of your face; give me knowledge of your rules.
136Rivers of water are flowing from my eyes, because men do not keep your law.
137TZADE O Lord, great is your righteousness, and upright are your decisions.
138You have given your unchanging word in righteousness, and it is for ever.

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Compare Psalms 119:127-138Psalms 119:127-138