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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:118-132

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118All who swerve from your statutes you spurn: their cunning is in vain.
119All the wicked of earth you count as dross, therefore I love your charges.
120My flesh, for fear of you, shudders, and I stand in awe of your judgments.
121Justice and right have I practised, do not leave me to my oppressors.
122Be your servant's surety for good, let not the proud oppress me.
123My eyes pine for your salvation, and for your righteous promise.
124Deal in your love with your servant, and teach me your statutes.
125Your servant am I; instruct me, that I may know your charges.
126It is time for the Lord to act: they have violated your law.
127Therefore I love your commandments above gold, above fine gold.
128So by all your precepts I guide me, and every false way I hate.
129Your decrees are wonderful, gladly I keep them.
130When your word is unfolded, light breaks; it imparts to the simple wisdom.
131With open mouth I pant with longing for your commandments.
132Turn to me with your favor, as is just to those who love you.

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