113Samekh I hate people who are two-faced, but I love your law.
114You keep me safe and you defend me, your word gives me reason to hope.
115Leave me alone, you evil people, and let me keep the commandments of my God.
116Support me, Lord, as you promised, so I can live. Don't let my hope turn into discouragement.
117Support me, so I can be saved and always pay attention to your instructions.
118You reject all those who don't follow your instructions—they're fooling themselves by living a lie.
119You treat the wicked people on earth as something worthless to be discarded; therefore I love your laws.
120I have goose bumps thinking of you—I'm in awe! I'm scared of your judgments!
121Ayin I have done what's fair and right, so please don't abandon me to my enemies.
122Please promise you'll take care of me, your servant. Don't let these arrogant people mistreat me.
123I strain my eyes looking for your salvation, watching for you to fulfill your promise to make everything good.
124Please treat me, your servant, according to your trustworthy love. Teach me what you want me to do.
125I am your servant. Please give me discernment so I can understand your instructions.