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JPS TaNaKH 1917 - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:108-127

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108Accept, I beseech Thee, the freewill-offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me Thine ordinances.
109My soul is continually in my hand; yet have I not forgotten Thy law.
110The wicked have laid a snare for me; yet went I not astray from Thy precepts.
111Thy testimonies have I taken as a heritage for ever; for they are the rejoicing of my heart.
112I have inclined my heart to perform Thy statutes, for ever, at every step.
113SAMECH. I hate them that are of a double mind; but Thy law do I love.
114Thou art my covert and my shield; in Thy word do I hope.
115Depart from me, ye evildoers; that I may keep the commandments of my God.
116Uphold me according unto Thy word, that I may live; and put me not to shame in my hope.
117Support Thou me, and I shall be saved; and I will occupy myself with Thy statutes continually.
118Thou hast made light of all them that err from Thy statutes; for their deceit is vain.
119Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love Thy testimonies.
120My flesh shuddereth for fear of Thee; and I am afraid of Thy judgments.
121AIN. I have done justice and righteousness; leave me not to mine oppressors.
122Be surety for Thy servant for good; let not the proud oppress me.
123Mine eyes fail for Thy salvation, and for Thy righteous word.
124Deal with Thy servant according unto Thy mercy, and teach me Thy statutes.
125I am Thy servant, give me understanding, that I may know Thy testimonies.
126It is time for the LORD to work; they have made void Thy law.
127Therefore I love Thy commandments above gold, yea, above fine gold.

Read Psalms 119Psalms 119
Compare Psalms 119:108-127Psalms 119:108-127