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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 8

Proverbs 8:2-6

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2In most sovereign and high tops, above the way, in the midst of paths, (On hilltops, on the way, in the midst of paths,)
3and it standeth beside the gate(s) of the city, in those enclosings, and speaketh, and saith,
4A! ye men, I cry oft to you; and my voice is to the sons of men. (O ye people! I often cry to you; and my words (be) for the sons and daughters of men.)
5Little children, that is, little of wit, understand ye wisdom; and ye unwise men, perceiveth in heart. (Ye of little intelligence, understand ye wisdom; and ye who be unwise, think in your hearts.)
6Hear ye (or Listen), for I shall speak of great things; and my lips shall be opened, to preach rightful things.

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