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LXX2012: Septuagint in British/International English 2012 - Proverbs - Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:1-15

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1My words have been spoken by God—the oracular answer of a king, whom his mother instructed.
2What will you keep, my son, what? the words of God. My firstborn son, I speak to you: what? son of my womb? what? son of my vows?
3Give not your wealth to women, nor your mind and living to remorse. Do all things with counsel: drink wine with counsel.
4Princes are prone to anger: let them then not drink wine:
5lest they drink, and forget wisdom, and be not able to judge the poor rightly.
6Give strong drink to those that are in sorrow, and the wine to drink to those in pain:
7that they may forget their poverty, and may not remember their troubles any more.
8Open your mouth with the word of God, and judge all fairly.
9Open your mouth and judge justly, and plead the cause of the poor and weak.
10Who shall find a virtuous woman? for such a one is more valuable than precious stones.
11The heart of her husband trusts in her: such a one shall stand in no need of fine spoils.
12For she employs all her living for her husband's good.
13Gathering wool and flax, she makes it serviceable with her hands.
14She is like a ship trading from a distance: so she procures her livelihood.
15And she rises by night, and gives food to her household, and appointed tasks to her maidens.

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