22A servant when he becomes a king; a man without sense when his wealth is increased;
23A hated woman when she is married; and a servant-girl who takes the place of her master's wife.
24There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are very wise:
25The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer;
26The conies are only a feeble people, but they make their houses in the rocks;
27The locusts have no king, but they all go out in bands;
28You may take the lizard in your hands, but it is in kings' houses.
29There are three things whose steps are good to see, even four whose goings are fair:
30The lion, which is strongest among beasts, not turning from his way for any;
31The war-horse, and the he-goat, and the king when his army is with him.
32If you have done foolishly in lifting yourself up, or if you have had evil designs, put your hand over your mouth.
33The shaking of milk makes butter, and the twisting of the nose makes blood come: so the forcing of wrath is a cause of fighting.