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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29:5-13

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5A man that speaketh by flattering and feigned words to his friend, spreadeth abroad a net to his steps.
6A snare shall wrap a wicked man doing sin; and a just man shall praise, and make joy. (A snare shall enwrap the wicked doing sin; but the righteous shall give praise, and make joy in their lives.)
7A just man knoweth the cause of poor men; and an unpious man knoweth not knowing. (The righteous know of the concerns of the poor; but the wicked do not care to know.)
8Men full of pestilence destroy a city; but wise men turn away strong vengeance.
9If a wise man striveth with a fool, whether he be wroth, or laugh, he shall not find rest.
10Men-quellers hate a simple man; but just men seek his soul. (Murderers hate honest people; but the righteous seek them out.)
11A fool bringeth forth all his spirit; a wise man delayeth, and reserveth into (the) time (to) coming afterward.
12A prince that heareth willfully the words of leasing, shall have all his servants unfaithful. (A ruler who willingly listeneth to lies, shall have servants who all be unfaithful./If a ruler willingly listeneth to lies, then all of his servants shall be unfaithful.)
13A poor man and a lender met themselves; the Lord is the lightener of ever either. (A poor person and a lender met together; the Lord lighteneth the burdens of both of them.)

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