9It is better to dwell in a corner on the house-top, than in plastered rooms with unrighteousness, and in an open house.
10The soul of the ungodly shall not be pitied by any man.
11When an intemperate man is punished the simple becomes wiser: and a wise man understanding will receive knowledge.
12A righteous man understands the hearts of the ungodly: and despises the ungodly for their wickedness.
13He that stops his ears from hearing the poor, himself also shall cry, and there shall be none to hear him.
14A secret gift calms anger: but he that forbears to give stirs up strong wrath.
15It is the joy of the righteous to do judgment: but a holy man is abominable with evil-doers.
16A man that wanders out of the way of righteousness, shall rest in the congregation of giants.
17A poor man loves mirth, loving wine and oil in abundance;
18and a transgressor is the abomination of a righteous man.
19It is better to dwell in a wilderness than with a quarrelsome and talkative and passionate woman.
20A desirable treasure will rest on the mouth of the wise; but foolish men will swallow it up.
21The way of righteousness and mercy will find life and glory.
22A wise man assaults strong cities, and demolishes the fortress in which the ungodly trusted.
23He that keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from trouble.
24A bold and self-willed and insolent man is called a pest: and he that remembers injuries is a transgressor.