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Bible in Basic English - Proverbs - Proverbs 20

Proverbs 20:10-26

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10Unequal weights and unequal measures, they are all disgusting to the Lord.
11Even a child may be judged by his doings, if his work is free from sin and if it is right.
12The hearing ear and the seeing eye are equally the Lord's work.
13Do not be a lover of sleep, or you will become poor: keep your eyes open, and you will have bread enough.
14A poor thing, a poor thing, says he who is giving money for goods: but when he has gone on his way, then he makes clear his pride in what he has got.
15There is gold and a store of corals: but the lips of knowledge are a jewel of great price.
16Take a man's clothing if he makes himself responsible for a strange man, and get an undertaking from him who gives his word for strange men.
17Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but after, his mouth will be full of sand.
18Every purpose is put into effect by wise help: and by wise guiding make war.
19He who goes about talking of the business of others gives away secrets: so have nothing to do with him whose lips are open wide.
20If anyone puts a curse on his father or his mother, his light will be put out in the blackest night.
21A heritage may be got quickly at first, but the end of it will not be a blessing.
22Do not say, I will give punishment for evil: go on waiting for the Lord, and he will be your saviour.
23Unequal weights are disgusting to the Lord, and false scales are not good.
24A man's steps are of the Lord; how then may a man have knowledge of his way?
25It is a danger to a man to say without thought, It is holy, and, after taking his oaths, to be questioning if it is necessary to keep them.
26A wise king puts evil-doers to flight, and makes their evil-doing come back on them.

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