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Bible in Basic English - Proverbs - Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1:7-15

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7The fear of the Lord is the start of knowledge: but the foolish have no use for wisdom and teaching.
8My son, give ear to the training of your father, and do not give up the teaching of your mother:
9For they will be a crown of grace for your head, and chain-ornaments about your neck.
10My son, if sinners would take you out of the right way, do not go with them.
11If they say, Come with us; let us make designs against the good, waiting secretly for the upright, without cause;
12Let us overcome them living, like the underworld, and in their strength, as those who go down to death;
13Goods of great price will be ours, our houses will be full of wealth;
14Take your chance with us, and we will all have one money-bag:
15My son, do not go with them; keep your feet from their ways:

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