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Brenton Septuagint Translation - Proverbs - Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15:21-26

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21The ways of a foolish man are void of sense; but a wise man proceeds on his way aright.
22They that honour not councils put off deliberation; but counsel abides in the hearts of counsellors.
23A bad man will by no means attend to counsel; neither will he say anything seasonable, or good for the common weal.
24The thoughts of the wise are ways of life, that he may turn aside and escape from hell.
25The Lord pulls down the houses of scorners; but he establishes the border of the widow.
26An unrighteous thought is abomination to the Lord; but the sayings of the pure are held in honour.

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Compare Proverbs 15:21-26Proverbs 15:21-26