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LXX2012: Septuagint in American English 2012 - Proverbs - Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12:12-18

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12The desires of the ungodly are evil; but the roots of the godly are firmly set.
13For the sin of his lips a sinner falls into snare; but a righteous man escapes from them. He whose looks are gentle shall be pitied, but he that contends in the gates will afflict souls.
14The soul of a man shall be filled with good from the fruits of his mouth; and the recompence of his lips shall be given to him.
15The ways of fools are right in their own eyes; but a wise man hearkens to counsels.
16A fool declares his wrath the same day; but a prudent man hides his own disgrace.
17A righteous man declares the open truth; but an unjust witness is deceitful.
18Some wound as they speak, like swords; but the tongues of the wise heal.

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