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Brenton Septuagint Translation - Proverbs - Proverbs 11

Proverbs 11:5-13

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5Righteousness traces out blameless paths: but ungodliness encounters unjust dealing.
6The righteousness of upright men delivers them: but transgressors are caught in their own destruction.
7At the death of a just man his hope does not perish: but the boast of the ungodly perishes.
8A righteous man escapes from a snare, and the ungodly man is delivered up in his place.
9In the mouth of ungodly men is a snare to citizens: but the understanding of righteous men is prosperous.
10In the prosperity of righteous men a city prospers:
11but by the mouths of ungodly men it is overthrown.
12A man void of understanding sneers at his fellow citizens: but a sensible man is quiet.
13A double-tongued man discloses the secret counsels of an assembly: but he that is faithful in spirit conceals matters.

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