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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Proverbs - Proverbs 11

Proverbs 11:21-31

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21Though hand be in hand, an evil man shall not be innocent; but the seed of just or rightwise men shall be saved.
22A golden ring in the nostrils of a sow, is a woman fair and a fool.
23The desire of just or rightwise men is all good; abiding of wicked men is strong vengeance.
24Some men part their own things, and be made richer; other men ravish things, that be not theirs, and they be ever in neediness.
25A soul that blesseth, shall be made fat; and he that filleth, shall be filled also.
26He that hideth wheat, shall be cursed among the peoples; but blessing shall come up on the heads of sellers.
27Well be he who riseth early, that seeketh good things; but he that is a searcher of evils, shall be oppressed of those or of them.
28He that trusteth in his riches, shall fall; but just or rightwise men shall burgeon as a green leaf.
29He that troubleth his house, shall have winds in possession; and he that is a fool, shall serve a wise man.
30The fruit of a rightful or rightwise man is the tree of life; and he that taketh souls, is a wise man.
31If a just or rightwise man receiveth in the earth, how much more an unfaithful man, and a sinner.

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