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Plain English Version - Mark - Mark 7

Mark 7:24-35

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24After that Jesus got up and left Galilee country and went north to a town called Tyre. This town was near the salt water sea. The people that lived in Tyre were not Jewish people. Jesus went into a house, so he could sit down by himself for a while, but his plan didn’t work. People heard that he was in that house and they came to visit him.
25There was a Greek woman there. She came from a place called Phoenicia in Syria. Her daughter had a bad spirit inside her. So that woman went to Jesus to get help. She got down on her knees in front of Jesus, to show him respect, and she asked him to force the bad spirit out of her daughter.
27Jesus said to her, “I belong to the Jewish tribe. I have to look after my own people first, not you people that are not Jewish. A man feeds his own kids first. He will not take their food and throw it to the dogs.”
28The woman said, “Yes teacher, you are right about that, but while those kids are eating they drop a few little bits of food, and the dogs under the table can eat those little bits of food. I’m not Jewish but you can still do a little bit for me.”
29Jesus said, “That is a good answer. It shows me that you trust me. You can go home now. I made that bad spirit go out from your daughter just now.”
30Then the woman went home and found her daughter lying down quietly on a bed. The bad spirit was gone.
31Then Jesus left Tyre and walked back through another town called Sidon, and then he went around the north of Lake Galilee to the country everyone called Ten Towns.
32Some people brought a man to Jesus. This man was deaf and he couldn’t talk properly. The man’s friends asked Jesus strongly to put his hand on their friend and make him better.
33Jesus took the man away from the other people and put his fingers in the man’s ears. He spat and touched the man’s tongue.
34Then Jesus looked up into the sky and prayed for the man. He talked in their language, he said, “Ephpatha,” which means Open up.
35And straight away that man could hear properly, and his tongue was better so he could talk properly.

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