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Translation for Translators - Luke - Luke 9

Luke 9:32-62

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32Peter and the other disciples who were with him were sound asleep. When they woke up, they saw Jesus' brightness. They also saw the two men standing with him.
33As Moses and Elijah were starting to leave Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is wonderful for us to be here! Allow us to make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah!” But he really did not realize what he was talking about.
34As he was saying that, a bright cloud appeared and covered them all. The disciples were afraid as the cloud surrounded them.
35God MTY/EUP spoke to them from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son. He is the one whom I have chosen to do a great work for me. So you must listen to him!”
36After God MTY/EUP finished saying that, the three disciples saw that only Jesus was there. They did not tell anyone what they had seen until much later.
37The next day, after they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd of people met Jesus.
38Then a man from the crowd exclaimed, “Teacher, I plead with you, do something to help my son! He is my only child!
39At various times an evil spirit suddenly seizes him and causes him to scream. The evil spirit shakes him violently and causes him to foam at the mouth. It does not leave until my child is completely exhausted.
40I pleaded with your disciples who were here for them to expel the evil spirit, but they were not able to do it!”
41Jesus replied by saying to everyone who had gathered there, “ You who have seen how I help people do not believe that you can do anything. What you think is perverted! How long must I be with you before you are able to do what I do RHQ? How long must I endure your lack of faith?” Then he said to the boy's father, “Bring your (sg) son here to me!”
42While they were bringing the boy to Jesus, the demon attacked the boy, threw him to the ground, and shook him severely. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and healed the boy. Then he returned him to his father's care.
43All the people there were amazed at the great power of God. Luke 9:43b-45 While they were all amazed at all the miracles Jesus was doing, he said to his disciples,
44“Think carefully MTY about what I am about to tell you: Even though I am the one who came from heaven, I will soon be handed over to the authorities (OR, my enemies) { someone is about to enable MTY my enemies to seize me}.”
45But the disciples did not understand what he was saying; God prevented them from understanding it, so that they would not know yet what he meant. And they were afraid to ask him about what he had said.
46The disciples began to argue among themselves about which one of them would be the greatest when Jesus became king.
47But Jesus perceived what they were thinking. So he brought a young child to his side.
48He said to the disciples, “Those who, because they love me, (OR, because they want to behave like me) welcome a little child ◄ like this one/ as I would► MTY, God considers that MET they are welcoming me. And those who welcome me, God considers that MET they are welcoming him, the one who sent me. Remember that those among you who think of themselves as being very unimportant will be the ones whom God considers to be great.”
49John replied to Jesus, “Master, we (exc) saw a man who was expelling demons, claiming that he had authority from you MTY to do that. So we told him to stop doing it, because he is not one of us disciples.”
50But Jesus said to him and the other disciples, “Do not tell him not to do that! Remember that those who are not opposing you are trying to achieve the same goals that you are!”
51When it was almost time for God to take Jesus up to heaven, he firmly resolved to go to Jerusalem.
52He sent some messengers to go ahead of him, and they entered a village in Samaria district to prepare for him SYN to go there.
53But the Samaritans did not like the Jews because of their insisting that it was necessary to go to Jerusalem to worship God. So, because Jesus had firmly resolved to go to Jerusalem, they would not let him come to their village.
54When two of his disciples, James and John, heard about that, they said, “Lord, do you (sg) want us (exc) to pray that God will send fire down from heaven, as the prophet Elijah did long ago, and destroy those people?”
55But Jesus turned and rebuked them for saying that.
56So they went to a different village.
57As Jesus and the disciples were walking along the road, one man said to him, “I will go with you (sg) wherever you go!”
58In order that the man might know what he could expect if he went with Jesus, Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes in the ground in which to live, and birds have nests, but even though I am the one who came from heaven, I do not have a home where I can sleep!”
59Jesus told another man, “Come with me!” But the man said, “Lord/Sir, let me go home first. After my father dies I will bury him, and then I will come with you.”
60But Jesus said to him, “ God considers that those who do not have eternal life are dead MET. Let those people do the work of burying people who die. As for you, go and tell people about how God wants ◄to rule/to have complete control over► people's lives!”
61Someone else said, “Lord, I will come with you and be your disciple, but first let me go home to say goodbye to my relatives.”
62Jesus said to him, “Anyone who is plowing his field should not look back to see what he has done. He must look forward to what is ahead. Similarly, anyone who continues to be concerned about his family and other things he has left behind is not fit to serve me and tell others about how God wants to rule MTY people's lives.”

Read Luke 9Luke 9
Compare Luke 9:32-62Luke 9:32-62